November 23, 2010


Over 10,000 deaths have been reported after the use of  Darvon and Davrocet.  

A recent study by the Food and Drug Administration revealed that Propoxyphene, a pain reliever sold as Darvon, Darvocet and generics, increases the risk for serious abnormal heart rhythms that could be deadly. Xandodyne Pharmaceuticals Inc., which makes the prescription pain medication Propoxyphene has taken the medication off of the U.S. market after the recent study.

The drug, which was first approved by the FDA in 1957, had received a handful of requests to be removed from the market since 1978. The FDA has finally concluded that the side effect risks outweigh any of the benefits.

Side Effects of Darvon:
·         Accidental Overdose
·         Suicide
·         Cardiac Emergency
·         Death
·         Lightheadedness
·         Dizziness
·         Sedation
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting

Generic drug developers are also terminating the sale of Propoxyphene from the U.S. market as part of a response to the new FDA study.

 “These new heart data significantly alter Propoxyphene’s risk-benefit profile,” John Jenkins, MD, director, Office of New Drugs, in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a press release. “The drug’s effectiveness in reducing pain is no longer enough to outweigh the drug’s serious potential heart risks."

The FDA recommends that doctor’s and other medical professionals stop prescribing and dispensing Propoxyphene-containing products. Propoxyphene is generally prescribed after dental surgery, such as wisdom teeth extractions.

We can help.
Hach & Rose is dedicated to protecting your rights and aggressively defending our clients against large drug companies who put their own interests ahead of those of their patients. If you or a loved one has suffered a heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms or other serious injuries after using Propoxyphene, contact an attorney at Hach & Rose immediately for an evaluation of your case.